Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Deployment:Usually by now.

Being that this is our first deployment ,I guess it's only normal that I feel this way. This way being that he should  be home by now. I've dealt with long underways and work ups. So right now it feels like he should be coming home soon though I know it's not true.  It's like how much more does my heart have to swell before it pops? I'm not breaking at the seams or anything. It's just by now. He'd be home and I"d get a real break from the heartache and baby duty. I miss him. Don't get me wrong. I do. I miss his dorky laugh and his charming smile. I miss his kisses and cuddling, but I miss his help too. My sister helps out some, but asking a person that has to be to work early each morning to take your son at night when you just really need a break isn't something you want to do. I miss being a functioning little family and knowing that when I fall asleep he'll be there when I wake.

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