Monday, December 27, 2010

Fatty Mcfattison-The New Year

My plan is to quit caffeine and limit my soda intake to no more then 2 a day. I understand how much soda effects water weight in my body. I also want to also post recipes and post challenges I face. I know myself well enough to know. It's not really the food I eat. It's my lack of exercise.  So that's gonna be my biggest challenge. I have Zumba, but i get tired after only 10 minutes of working through it. Sad. I know. lol. It's hard focusing on yourself after having a kid. You put your needs on the back burner. So it's time I focus on me a little. 

1 comment:

  1. I gained 62lbs with my pregnancy and I could barely go up the stairs without it hurting! Its okay to start slow, I got the Wii Fit last Christmas and used that for about 30-45 minutes a day (depending on how much time my daughter allowed me). After a couple of months my endurance was better, the weather warmed up and I started walking then jogging with Kailyn outside. So as long as you are doing something, everyone has to start somewhere! I know you can do it :)
